KT Combines Cards to a Card대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-14 17:27:51

 'Clip Card'      At the reporter meeting, KT announced that "Clip Card", which is a smart device that will help us use credit card, cash card, and transportation card in only one card, will be released. KT has an intent to compete with Samsung's offline payment option "Samsung Pay" and LG's "LG Pay" with " Clip Card" which can include 21 payment means only at one card. "Clip card" is a form of card. However, it is an eletronic device, so you can check the balance of your transportation card, check your membership bar code number, and choose a card to pay among many cards with it. You can use the card for three to four weeks at only one charge. Before using it, there is a pattern lock method, Moreover, if you lose it, you can delete the information you stored in the card from your smartphone.

 Now, the cards which can be registered in "Clip Card" include BC card, LOTTE card, HANA card. KT will extend the service by entering into a partnership with every internal card company within the year. However, there are still many cards which can not be registered in "Clip Card" though the card is BC, LOTTE or HANA card. You can use this card as transportation card through charging money without a registered transportation card.'Clip Card' 

We can purchase the "Clip Card" though the online shop, Olleh Shop. The price is 108000. We can use it withdout any smartphone. This is a specialized feature which is different from other things. However, the price of the card and the idea that we must purchase it separately with our smartphone are pointed out as weaknesses.

                                                                             July 1st, by 이동현


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