The Falling of Long March 5B Rocket!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-16 10:11:36
  • 수정 2021-07-16 10:12:14

If the rocket falls on the Earth, it will cause a disaster. However, on May 4, China announced the news that their long March 5B Rocket was falling to the Earth. After the announcement, the government from around the world worked so hard to be ready for the emergency.

China opened up its official opinion. China said that it can't fall inland. It will absolutely fire in the orbit. However, America stated a different opinion. They said that it will fall in a country, and the Chinese government has to prevent it. Many people were worried about it, and NASA announced the prediction of the impact point. There was a spot in South Korea. The Korean government said it can damage Korea. Although many people said that China has to assume the responsibility, China shifted the responsibility to other countries. Many scientists said that the falling of Long March 5B Rocket can be a disaster.

▲ Long March 5B Rocket

Two days earlier than the expected time, suddenly, it spun very fast and fell very fast. It passed the orbit different from the Chinese's expectation. It continued to fall and many countries including South Korea were embarrassed. The Long March 5B Rocket was moving strangely. Finally, it fell in the Indian Ocean. Fortunately, nothing was damaged. However, the conflict between the U.S.A and China continue. Each of them declared that day will research the space independently.

▲ Chinese satellite

The falling of the Long March 5B Rocket could cause a disaster, many scientists and NASA are blaming China. China does not still apologize. In addition, they continue to research space and rockets. Long March 5B Rocket was the worst case. With it, we learn about the shamelessness of China. The Korean government said that we will always prevent space accidents and cope with the brutality of China.

By Park Jung Hu


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