BTS in Two Music Awards대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-05 15:06:44

These days, K-pop is so popular that we can find fans of K-pop easily online or even offline. Many K-pop fans believe BTS is the front-runner of K-pop. We think BTS just has lots of fans, but we have to pay attention to some of their renowned awards. Many awards have been given to BTS for years. Also, this year, BTS has won four prizes at Billboard Music Awards (BBMA) on May 24 and two prizes at iHeartRadio Music Awards on May 27, local time.

On May 24, it was the fifth time that BTS was at Billboard Music Awards (BBMA). At these music awards, BTS won the Top Duo/Group award, Top Song Sales Artist award, and the fan-voted Top Social Artist award. Also, its song, "Dynamite", won the Top Selling Song award. The group won in all four categories, and in the case of the fan-voted Top Social Artist, BTS has been receiving the award for five years in a row.

▲ BTS at Billboard Music Awards (BBMA)

BTS was nominated in three categories at the iHeartRadio Music Awards, too. It was nominated as the Best Duo/Group of the year, Best Music Video, and Best Fan Army, and it won two prizes, Best Music Video for "Dynamite" and Best Fan Army. This is the second time that BTS won Best Music Video and the fourth time that the Best Fan Army was given to them.

▲ BTS at iHeartRadio Music Awards

There were many positive reactions, especially from BTS fans. BTS also performed its new song, "Butter", during the BBMA ceremony. After that, many people watched the performance video again on YouTube. However, at the iHeartRadio Music Awards, some fans felt disappointed that BTS did not win Best Duo/Group of the year.

Many people, including those who are not fans of BTS, believe BTS can be developed and will become more popular. Also, South Korean people and fans of BTS feel proud of K-pop. ARMY believes BTS did a really great job through these two music awards, Billboard Music Awards (BBMA) and iHeartRadio Music Awards.


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