The Importance of Information Security Expert대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-05 15:05:17

As the amount of information is increasing suddenly, the importance of securing information is required nowadays. Therefore, the job of information security experts is becoming more important than before.

▲ This picture shows the increasing rate of information hacking.

Information security experts or white hackers can solve and protect the security system based on the technology of hardware and software of servers. It is the opposite job of a black hacker, who hacks into the system poisonously for a personal benefit. However, white hackers secure information against black hacker intrusions and virus outbreaks. Also, they find out the weak points of the security system and report to the manager so that they can prevent the attack of black hackers. Therefore, this job is one of the promising jobs these days.

▲ This picture shows the opposite sides of hacking.

Any degree is acceptable for entry into the professions, however, some companies require to finish some degrees, such as computer science, information and communication engineering, electronics, and information processing at a junior college or university. There are many famous universities that have these kinds of majors, such as Seoul Women's, Sangmyung, Korea, Sejong, Hanyang, Kyunghee, and Ansan University. To study securing information, they need to learn operating systems, databases, system management, C language, and network programming. There are some license certificates for securing information, such as SIS, CHE, CISA, and CISSP. They can work alone or enter a company and work with other people.

The most important mindset to become an information security expert is being ethical. If experts learn to protect the information, they can also attack the system or become black hackers. Also, some people could give them a lot of money and require some attacks or certain pieces of information. Changing from being a white hacker to a black hacker is dangerous. Therefore, keeping their own principle is very important.


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