Upcycling Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-05 15:03:48

People have wasted things too much till now, and the environmental problems are getting serious. It is time to properly handle things we have wasted. Therefore, movements to solve these serious environmental problems are emerging. In schools, students think about how to upcycle things. The meaning of upcycling is to make new items by recycling old things, which is one of the rising solutions for environmental problems.

▲ definition of upcycling

Upcycling projects have many benefits and can help solve environmental problems. These projects not only teach students the way to upcycle items but also raise their awareness of environmental issues. Not only that, students believe it is enjoyable. Han Woong-jae, the director of environmental conservation in Jeollabuk-do Province, said that upcycling things is one of the most effective solutions to solve environmental problems. It is enjoyable as well as helpful. He said that when he was a student, he was not interested in difficult subjects such as math and English. However, when he first heard about upcycling, he was engaged in upcycling from then on. Maybe students who love art will also be absorbed in upcycling things.

There is a procedure for carrying out this project. First of all, students learn about the reality of the environment. Then, they think about items they can upcycle and modify by sharing their opinions. After finishing the project, the students who carried out the upcycling project will experience an amazing change. As students raise their awareness of the environmental problems, students start to try many ways to save the Earth. One of the students said that he was able to learn how to help solve environmental problems by carrying out this project. He added that from now on, he will keep doing this.

▲ example of upcycling

Because of these good aspects, more schools are planning to carry out upcycling projects. It seems that people will exert more effort to keep the world clean.


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