Inbee Park, Influencing People in the World대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-05 14:50:59

How do you feel when you become a candidate for the first place? Is it impossible? As the matter of fact, Inbee Park, a South Korean golf player and also a disciple of Seri Park, was the most likely candidate for first place in Tokyo Olympics.

Inbee Park, a South Korean golf player participating in LPGA, won the victory twenty times in total in the LPGA contest. LPGA is an abbreviation of Ladies' Professional Golf Association. Moreover, Inbee Park has ranked first place women's golf player in the world. She won a gold medal in LPGA after 116 years, too. With these factors, she has been compared with Seri Park's achievements.

▲ Inbee Park, a South Korean golf player

With her husband on the bag, Inbee Park opened with a bogey-free 64 at Sentosa Golf Club, hitting every fairway, 16 greens, and only 26 putts. By showing good play, she became a candidate for first place in Tokyo Olympics. She said in an interview that the reason for her good play was her husband. It is because she went with her husband while participating in the contest, who is named Gi Hyeob Nam. He is Park's instructor, and he has also caddied for his wife. Because of his help, Park was able to play very comfortably, and he was helpful to her.

▲ image of Inbee Park with her husband Gi Hyeob Nam

Inbee Park played well in the LPGA contest. So, she raised her degree of recognition and her expectation. Moreover, people all around the world realized that South Korea has a lot of great golf players including Seri Park and Inbee Park, and these players can be influential to the world. When Inbee Park was asked about her goal if she engraved not only her existence but also South Korea's existence, she confidently answered this question saying that she wanted to win twenty-one games in time for 2021.

Inbee Park is a better golf player compared with Seri Park. As an influencer, she promotes South Korea with her fantastic play.


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