Wistful Result of the South Korean Women‘s Curling Team대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-05 14:49:40

Curling became a famous sport in South Korea when the South Korean team got the Korea silver medal at Pyeongchang Olympics 2018. So, many people cheer for the South Korean women's curling team. In this situation, the South Korean women's curling team attempted to enter World Women's Curling Championships 2021. However, South Korea ranked in seventh place, and to be qualified, they need to win in other competitions.

▲ Kim Eun-Jung who is the leader of the Korean Women`s Curling Team

First of all, why is it that the South Korean women's curling team is not qualified to get a curling ticket for the Olympics? It is because of their rank. To get a qualification for the Olympics, in the qualifying competition, they have to rank up to sixth place. However, they ranked in seventh place because of the head-to-head curling rule which was in a robin round format wherein the result is based on the team with the most wins, so they have to get more wins through other competitions.

▲ Result of Women`s Curling Championships 2021

How can the South Korean women's curling team qualify for the Beijing Olympics 2022? Steve Seixeiro World Curling Federation said that countries such as South Korea, Japan, and Italy which do not claim play-off games have to get qualifications for Beijing Olympics through Beijing Olympics Representative Country Selection competition except for China and other countries which ranked up to the sixth place.

Also, some countries such as Switzerland, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, the USA, and Canada acquired the Olympic ticket through World Championships. However, other countries such as Scotland, Germany, Korea, Japan, Czech Republic, Italy, and Estonia have to get a qualification for Beijing Olympics through the above-mentioned competition. Then, though China ranked in eighth place since they are the host of the Olympics, they are qualified for the competition in the Olympics automatically.

The South Korean women's curling team ranked in seventh place, so they have to acquire the Olympic ticket through competitions that can qualify them for the Olympics.


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