K-pop Stars‘ Comeback대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-05 14:28:26

Entertainment companies are drawing attention from the market as the comebacks of idol groups, such as BTS, TWICE, and EXO, are expected this summer. Global K-pop stars are making a comeback after a long time. The comeback means that the singer resumes his career with a new album.

▲ BTS member: Their songs are famous for many country and their fan club is ˝Amy˝

YG Entertainment recorded an earnings surprise in the first quarter of this year because of the solo comeback of Black Pink's "Rose" and the new song of the idol group,

▲ Blackpink belongs to YG entertainment. They are very popular in the world as well as in Korea

"Treasure" In the first quarter of this year, YG Entertainment's sales increased 83.7 % year-on-year to $97 billion and operating profit to $9.5 billion. JYP Entertainment and Hive (formerly Big Hit Entertainment) are all the more anticipated in the second quarter of this year as they showed not bad results even though they had no artist activities in the first quarter. In particular, JYP Entertainment recorded 29 % of operating profit ratio in the first quarter, showing the highest profitability among four enterprises: HYBE, YG Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, and SM Entertainment.

Many singers are preparing their music amid fans' expectations. in particular, BTS posted a preview photo of its new song "Butter" on its official SNS on the 17th. It is attracting fans around the world with a completely different atmosphere. Not only the atmosphere but also the format of the show has changed. BTS will release "Butter" worldwide on the 21st. Many people are already looking forward to their new song.

With the comeback of EXO, BTS, Blackpink, the performance of each entertainment is expected to rise sharply. It is questionable which group will win the crown in the competition of entertainment. However, this competition will further develop K-pop.


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