Memorial Day in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-14 16:48:23

June 6th, 2021 is the 66th Memorial Day in South Korea. On this day, the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs held the 66th Memorial Day memorial service in Seoul National Cemetery with the theme "Remember you in the name of Korea". For this commemoration ceremony, the government made a memorial tablet using a barbed wire that was made in the process of removing the front fence after the 9/19 inter-Korean military agreement and the compass excavated from the battle area of Arrowhead Hill. A sentence, "There is no more tragedy of war in this land", that was written by the president's hand is engraved on the tablet.

▲ the memorial tablet

Memorial Day in South Korea is a day to commemorate the loyalty of those who gave their lives for the defense of the country. It is designated as a public holiday. The country holds some events to pray for the recovery of the patriotic spirits and to commemorate the noble spirit of patriotism and feats of the martyrs and war veterans. In Korea, there was Korean War only a year and some months after the establishment of the provisional government, and there were a lot of damages. Three years after the truce, in 1956, the Korean government designated June 6th as Memorial Day and let people hold a memorial ceremony.

▲ the 66th Memorial Day memorial service

To celebrate the will of the martyrs and patriotic spirits, people should hoist the Taegeukgi at half-mast only on Memorial Day. The flag should be hung down from the ferrule to width of the flag. People should also hang the flag at the center or left of the main door at home. The civil service office at each level or online post office and more sell Taegeukgi.

▲ the Taegeukgi at half-mast

Memorial Day is considered less important than the other national holidays. However, if there were no patriotic martyrs in South Korea who save the country, there would be no stable country now.

June 6th, 2021

by An So-mi


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