Janssen Vaccines Arrived in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-14 16:47:07

In South Korea, the confirmed cases of COVID0-19 were more than 600 since June 1. So, the importance of vaccination is getting bigger and bigger. Fortunately, Johnson$Johnson's Janssen vaccines arrived in South Korea on June 5. Raising the hope to vaccination in South Korea.

▲ Announcing Supplement of Janssen Vaccine

Janssen vaccine is one of the virus-vector vaccines like AstraZeneca. Needless to say, Johnson&Johnson's Janssen vaccine's safety is granted. It has been vaccinated in other countries. For example, the U.S.A started the use of the Janssen vaccine on April 23. So, the Korean government granted the emergence use of the vaccine. Janssen vaccine will be vaccinated to the people aged above 30 civil defense, reservists, and people who work in the South Korean army. According to the announcement of the White House, the purpose is about the protection of American forces and the forces who serve alongside: American forces: the Korean troops who are standing shoulder to shoulder with them. The reservation of the vaccination of the Janssen vaccine ended in 18 hours. It will be vaccinated from June 10 to June 20.

▲ Janssen vacine

Since COVID-19 has been seriously raging for a long time, many students had to take online classes, which made the gap among students bigger and bigger than before. Also, many industries have been undergoing serious depression because of the withdrawn expenses of consumers. However, if many people are vaccinated, this problem can be solved. For example, in the U.S.A, vaccination is almost over. So, the confirmed cases decreased a lot. Also, they are even considering life without a mask when going outside. If many people in South Korea are vaccinated, the confirmed cases of COVID-19 will decrease a lot like in the U.S.A.

Vaccination is the most important key to bring the end to the COVID-19 pandemic, so the supplement of the Johnson&Johnson vaccine is very meaningful. Many experts are expecting that the supplement of the vaccine will fasten the end of COVID-19.

by Seo Jun Woo

June 5, 2021


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