South Korea‘s Greenhouse Gas Tracking System Becomes the First WMO-endorsed Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-14 16:45:50

Carbon neutrality is the concept of zeroing actual emissions by taking measures to absorb carbon dioxide. To realize carbon neutrality, many countries developed many technological innovations. The greenhouse tracking system is one of the technological innovations used to realize carbon neutrality. In South Korea, it has become the first WMO-endorsed project in Asia and also the fifth in the whole world.

▲ The problem of greenhouse gases.

The project is named Inverse-Korea, which launched a three-dimensional monitoring system of greenhouse gases according to the KMA. Currently, the Korea Meteorological Administration is monitoring greenhouse gases in real-time in Anmyeondo, Jeju, Gosan, Ulleungdo, and Dokdo, and it is building a three-dimensional greenhouse gas measurement network using ships, aircraft, and high-rise towers. Its three observatories on islands to the east, west, and south of the peninsula can observe in real-time. Inverse Korea will step further and enable the weather agency to check where greenhouse gases begin and where they end up based on the models and observed data by 2023.

▲ Contributing in gas tracking system

Park Kwang-Seok, who is the head of the South Korea Meteorological Administration, said that receiving the sanction from the WMO means approving South Korea's technology which contains three-dimensional monitoring system of greenhouse gases and weather model technology. He also said that he will do his best to provide scientific supports for achieving carbon neutrality in 2050.

As carbon neutrality is a global issue these days, the prospects for carbon tracking will evolve further and represent the important step for carbon neutrality.

By Um Ki Yoon


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