Dramas in June대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-14 16:36:51

Being in a Covid-19 pandemic. we are finding ways to enjoy ourselves while we have to stay at home. Among many ways, watching dramas is the most essential way to stay at home while having fun and spending quality time. Moreover, in June, the greatest lineup of dramas is released. Most prominently, there is [ Hospital Playlist 2 ] and [ The Penthouse 3; War in Life ] and [ Nevertheless ].

First, [Hospital playlist 2] is a drama series, and this new one will be the second series. [Hospital playlist 1} had the highest view rating for a tvN weekday drama in the metropolitan area of all time, so season 2 is expected by many viewers. Season 2 of the Hospital Playlist will start on June 17, 2021, every Thursday at 9 o'clock. The director said they have to keep the theme of this drama just like season 1 that is dealing with a common doctor's story in a busy hospital.

▲ Poster of [ Hospital playlist 2]

Second, [ The Penthouse 3; War in life ]is also a drama series. Its series 1 and 2 made a big hit in South Korea in 2021, so many viewers expect season 3. Its theme is about dealing with family and social issues such as the gap between the rich and the poor, school violence, entrance examination wars, and domestic violence. moreover, the thrilling and unexpected twists of the story capture the viewers' hearts. It started on June 4, 2021, every Friday at 10 o'clock.

▲ Poster of [ The Penthouse 3; War in life ]

Finally, [ Nevertheless ] is a drama which is based on a web cartoon [ Nevertheless ]. So, the good story and the greatest casting of actors made the viewers want to watch this drama immediately. Because its genre is a romance with the greatest visual actor, the reaction of the viewers in the teaser video was explosive as ever. It will start on June 19, 2021, every Saturday at 11 o'clock.

▲ Poster of [ Nevertheless ]

by Kim Yuchae


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