Teenagers‘ Over-Consumption of Caffeine대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-14 16:35:20

Do you feel palpitations after caffeine consumption? Do you drink more than four cups of coffee or energy drink? They are two of the questions in a test of caffeine addiction. According to a study by Pharmaceutical Association, 57 percent of teenager respondents take caffeine for one to two days a month. Also, four percent of teenager respondents take caffeine 20-29 days a month. Like this, teenagers consume too much caffeine by drinking coffee or energy drink these days. So, the problem of caffeine addiction in teenagers is emerging as a major issue lately.

Caffeine is a kind of alkaloid that exists in coffee beans and tea leaves. it is present not only in coffee but also in energy drinks and chocolate nowadays. A safe caffeine intake criteria are less than 2.5 mg for teenagers. However, there are some reasons why teenagers consume too much caffeine. First, they take it on the grounds that they rub sleepiness out. Second, teenagers consume caffeine because of tiredness. Also, they consume it because their friends consume caffeine.

▲ Caffeine has side effects to teenagers.

Caffeine has side effects on teenagers. First, it awakens the brain. So, it causes insomnia, headache, and psychological disorder. Second, it increases heart rate. It causes palpitation and elevation of blood pressure. Third, it promotes gastric acid output. It leads to a stomach disorder, and reflux esophagitis. Lastly, caffeine interrupts the absorption of iron and calcium, so it triggers anemia and a decline in growth.

Caffeine addiction brings about many physical and psychological diseases. People who are involved in Public Health and Environment Research Institute said that to decrease caffeine content, you should abstain from drinking a drink that contains caffeine. If you are addicted to caffeine, you need efforts to reduce caffeine consumption.

▲ They are the questions in a test of caffeine addiction.

By Namin Kim


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