Is Private Revenge Allowed?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-09 16:22:25

It is self-rescue or private revenge that resolves complaints on its own, not by law or system. Private revenge, both large and small, is spread throughout society. In fact, in one middle school, a family of victims of school violence visited the school and assaulted the perpetrator. This kind of thing is easily seen. It claims that victims of school violence who practice "private revenge" in schools had no choice but to take direct action because they did not trust schools and police.

▲ Private revenge, both large and small, is spread throughout the society.

Is private revenge allowed? Maybe we can find the answer in the recent drama, "Taxi Driver". The original webtoon, "Taxi Driver," is a big story about a taxi driver who made revenge on behalf of the victims.

Events that have caused public resentments, such as the exploitation of the disabled's labor force, school violence, illegal sharing of videos of sexual exploitation, and the statute of limitations, appear as major themes.

▲ ˝Taxi Driver,˝ is a big story about a taxi driver who made revenge on behalf of the victims.

Instead of doing private revenge, "Taxi Driver" ends with a scene that seems to be trying to arrest the criminal in cooperation with Rainbow Taxi Company's staff and prosecutors who became police officers. What kind of society did the production team want to show in this drama? In a society that pushes people into private revenge, it is hard to say that laws and systems play their role properly. Revenge leads to another revenge and becomes a boomerang and can always return to oneself.

Also, depending on the logic of power and the size of the voice, if revenge is possible, the powerless can be more damaged by the person with money and power. Our society is now becoming a society where justice has disappeared. Wouldn't it be great to live in a just and reliable society where laws and systems are recognized by everyone, a society that does not justify private revenge, and a society that can break the chain of revenge?

▲ Revenge leads to another revenge and always returns to oneself.

June 6th, 2021

by Pyo Seung-hui


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