The Folk Village Festival in the Town of Yongin, South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-09 16:19:39

Have you ever experienced the Folk Village Festival in your country?

 In South Korea, we have the Korean Folk Village which is a tourist attraction composed of many traditional houses which are far different from lots of modern buildings. The Folk Village is passed down from the Joseon Dynasty. Also, we can go in there and take a lot of pictures with Hanbok. This is the special point of the event there. In addition, this festival, Korean Folk Village Festival, is held Yongin, Gyenggi-do, South Korea. You can enjoy this festival in each season.

▲ (Korean Folk Village in Yongin)

Why was the Korean Folk Village Festival established? It is because it will allow people to experience Korean Folk Village and Korean traditional cultures in person, such as Korean traditional house, scenery, food, and even the Korean traditional clothes called Hanbok. Everything is just like the Joseon Dynasty. Moreover, the most surprising thing is that there are many actors who act as if they are from the Joseon Dynasty, and it adds the vividness effect of that period. Moreover, there are many plays. which indwell the modern society's vogue, which is a combination of Joseon Dynasty and modern society's vogue, and many people love it.

During Joseon Dynasty, many people are bought and sold a lot of foods and on the dessert on the street. Like this, there is also a market street where people can eat many traditional Korean foods in the Korean Folk Village. Many people love it, and they said that there are many things to enjoy and many delicious foods, to eat, so they really love that place. Then, other people said that they love the scenery, so they want to go there again. Also, there are many people from other countries. Who said that when I went go there, I could experience the whole culture of South Korea, and it was so nice! They would like to recommend this place.

▲ (Hanbok and actor/actress in Korean Folk Village)

Generally speaking, a history scholar said that children who go to the Korean Folk Village Festival can improve their historical knowledge cultivation, and it can also increase their interest in history. For example, a visitor who went there before with her son said that her son really hated history before they went here, but now, he really loves history, and he even wants to be a history scholar. I never regretted that they went there!

The Korean Folk Village Festival is not only for visitors but also for local residents because it can make people more vigor. Also, it is the place where foreign travelers' essential tourist places. Therefore, we have to protect it forever for our future generations.

By Borim Kang


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