Working as an Accountant대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-09 16:17:53

As the economy, company, business, and management are developing nowadays, the accountant's role is more important than in the past. Popular trends such as stock, business, and management are associated with accountants, too. Becoming an accountant is not easy, but it is valuable for our lives.

First of all, accountant's job prospect is increasing every year because various fields which are popular today are related to the accountant. For this reason, employment and development are increasing today, too. Accountants do financial management of a company, do a consultation with a company, and write documents about the company's finances. To do these things, analysis, judgment, and relationships are required to become an accountant. Moreover, the annual income of accountants is from 40 million won to 100 million won. This income is relatively higher than other jobs. Lastly, this job has many advantages. For example, accountants can change companies easily because many people want them.

Becoming an accountant is not easy because of the CPA test. The people who want to become an accountant should study to pass the CPA test. This test consists of an English test, management test, economic test, and law test. However, the English test is reorganized to English Proficiency Tests like TOEFL or TEPS. Also, people who want to take the CPA test should earn credits. For example, they should have 9 credits in business administration and economics and 12 credits in accountancy. For these hard tests and kinds of conditions, people should study hard and acquire many skills such as speaking skill

s, mathematical calculation skills, and logic writing skills. The Financial Supervisory Service announced that the number of examinees in 2020 increased than in 2019. As the examinee's increase, successful candidates increase, too. We can infer from this announcement that many people are interested in accountant, and the accountant's role is very important nowadays.

▲ Accountants should pass TEPS which English Proficiency Test includes.

By Gyeong Min Park


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