The Sports Day of Ulsan Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 15:31:45

Because of coronavirus,school events including sports day and school trip were canceled. So, many students were disappointed last year. However, this year, Ulsan Middle School has a plan to have the sports day on May 21st. Hyun Seo Kim, who is a student of Ulsan Middle School, said that he had been really upset about the cancellation of sports day in the previous year. Also, he said that has so he has so much expectation for this year's sports day competition, but he is also worried about its cancellation because of the coronavirus. Ulsan Middle School's sports day is different from other schools' sports day because there are many prizes for students, and students can choose on the main event freely.

▲ The picture of Ulsan Middle School

There are a lot of events in the sports day. There is a tug of war, group jump rope, relay race, and the main event between soccer and basketball. In 2019, the first-grade students participated in basketball, and the second and third-grade students participated in soccer. There are points to each event. After all the events are finished, teachers add the points including cheering points. The class which has the highest points wins the competition and gets the grand prize.

The sports day has some advantages because it can relieve student's stress from studying. Also, students can cultivate a sense of cooperation with their classmates. Especially, this year, the students need the sports day because they are exhausted by the coronavirus. However, on the other hand, there are some disadvantages. Students who do not like playing sports cannot take part on the sports day. They can just talk with their friends, watch the relay race, and cheer for their friends. For example, one of the students has asthma. SO, he cannot run for a long time and does not like sports. He said that he would not participate in the sports day and hate it.

▲ The picture of the sports day

There are two sides of Ulsan Middle School's sports day. It can be just an ordinary day for someone, and it can also be the best day for someone. Hyun Seo Kim said that although not participating in any of the events, sports day could be a good day for him because there is no class.

By Jang Hyeon Bhin


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