The London Fire Tragedy대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-13 16:53:45

 The feature of Grenfell Tower after the inferno In June 14, 2017, there was inferno in London apartment. There lived more than 400 people who were mostly low-paid people. Through this case, at least 30 people were killed, and at least 76 people were missing. 

 A country fire official in Britain said that the cause of fire was still unclear, but the cause of quick proliferation of this inferno was that outer walls were consist of flammable things such as exterior aluminum cladding. This means that this accident could be prevented before this happened. This made people angry.

 The burned site's name is Grenfell Tower in North Kensington. It was built in 1974 which housed at least 400 people in 120 apartments across 20 residential floors. In this building, there lived mostly low-paid workers. 

 The feature of Grenfell Tower when they were burning  Surprisingly, the police officers have begun a criminal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the blaze but said there was nothing to suggest the fire had been deliberately set. This means that this was not a natural disaster but man-made disaster. This made people angry. Then in June 16, people suddenly broke into the town hall and strongly asked a compensation for the victims of this disaster. However, there was also a beautiful story. The man whose name is Pat caught a little girl who was thrown by her mother from the fifth floor. The feature of Pat after saving 5 years-old kid After catching the little girl, all people looked up, but they did not see her mother and just saw a big flame on that floor. 

 This also made the many peole cry. However, the government's reaction to this tragedy was so ridiculous. The connections between the police and fire official were too late, and Theresa Mary May who is the prime minister of Britain did not answer where she was in 24 hours when she did not face up during the tragedy. This also made people angry. 

 Through this tragedy, many victims will be sacrificed just like the Sewol ferry tragedy, and the bereaved will fall into despair to country's imcompetence. So, just like our memorial to Sewol ferry tragedy, we should remember the victims of this London Fire Tragedy to express consolation to the victims.


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