School Projects대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 14:56:17

Reading books is what most people do not like to do. According to a study, only 6 out of 100 students read books every day, and even 5 out of 100 adults read books every day in South Korea. Thus, lots of schools around the world are making students read books. Dongpyeong Middle School in Ulsan decided to make reading projects for students last 2020. From that project, the students were forced to read books and debate with their friends.

The reading project was a vacation project in language art class. All of the students were tasked to read books and debate with other friends. Some students do not like to read books. However, by doing this school project, they will improve their reading skill, concentration, and listening skills. When the project was finished, the school teacher gave questions about the books they read, and students discussed the questions. The school teacher then gave feedback about the students' debate skills so that the students would know their weak points. Through this, they were able to improve their reasoning skills.

▲ Students who finish reading books are discussing

There were students who did not like to do the reading project. They thought that it would not give them help, and they felt bored about the reading project. One of the students in Dongpyeong Middle School said that it was too boring to do the reading project. Therefore, the school teachers gave a solution, which was to give rewards in the reading project. It was simple to do. If students read books, teachers would give them one candy, and if they finished debating about the books, they would receive one more candy.

▲ A student who becomes fond of reading books

The purpose of this project is for the students to be interested in reading books, and at this time, students have begun to like reading books. As logical thinking increases, you start to see what kind of low the sentence consists of. So, schools are going to increase the reading projects until 2022.

by Oh Seoung Hwan


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