An Unforgettable Tragedy: the Sewol Ferry Tragedy대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 14:47:31

▲ The picture of the sink of Sewol Ferry

"Stay inside. The cabin is safer than the outside." A ferry staff's voice repeatedly echoed along the halls of the ferry. Students, teachers, and other passengers wearing life jackets were all terrorized as the ferry continues to tilt and sink. They believed the voice and did not attempt to escape. Deciding that the ferry tilted too much, the crew members told the passengers to abandon the ship. However, it was too late. The power was cut off, and the passengers could not find the way out.

▲ private fishing boats rescuing victims

Helicopters, rescue ships, and even warships and private fishing boats came to rescue the passengers. They did not mind getting wet, and they drew the floating passengers to their decks with all their might. Sadly, because of the inappropriate onboard announcement, only a few people could be rescued. Last April 16th, 2014, the Sewol ferry carrying 476 passengers and crew sank off the coast of Jindo Island in South Jeolla Province, causing 304 victims.

The causes of the disaster are unclear, but there are several possible theories about them. The first one is excessive cargo loading. According to the Korean government, the amount of cargo that was on the ferry was two to three times bigger than the standard amount. This opinion suggests that it caused not only the accident itself but also an acceleration of the process of the sinking.

The second one is a failure of cargo fixing. The cargo was not fixed properly, leading it to gather to a single side. Experts say that it caused and boosted the leaning of the ferry.

Among 476 passengers, only 172 people survived. The victims include 250 students from Danwon High School. The school's vice-principal, who was rescued initially, killed himself because of guilt and criticisms from parents. The students who survived suffered from trauma, and the parents of the victims were lost in grief. Unfortunately, the remains of five victims could not be found. Everybody was shocked by the disaster. Even today, Koreans remember the tragedy and mourn the death of the victims every April 16th.

▲ people mourning the Sewol Ferry tragedy


by Jang bo-min


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