COVID-19 A Dangerous Disease대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 14:45:22

These days, COVID-19 is a very big problem. Started the people in Wuhan, China, COVID -19 has affected everyone. Actually, the number of confirmed infected people is increasing all around the world.

▲ positively necessary to go outside

When people are infected by COVID-19 they show that they have headaches, fever, and cough. Also, as a response of the government to this problem, they introduced quarantine rules. They instructed the general people to their hands after doing errands outside, wear a mask when they go outside, and keep people at a distance. In school, students should wear a mask always, install sneeze guards, and do online class. In addition, many activities are restricted.

Many people are infected all around the world. Among them, the average of confirmed infected people in the USA is fifty thousand people. Also, in India, the total number of confirmed people is 1.2 million. In Brazil, there are 950,000 people confirmed. However, we do not know when COVID-19 will end. Many global present conditions are worse than in South Korea. In fact, the number of COVID-19 deaths has already reached 2.9 million.

▲ Picture of vaccinate

Many people are interested in the COVID-19 vaccine. It is because we do not know when this virus will end. A few months ago, many countries studied the COVID-19 vaccine. For example, Pfizer is made in the USA. Moreover, the AstraZeneca vaccine is blocked by 20 countries. South Korean people are worried about the AstraZeneca vaccine's side effects. So, it is expected that the order of the Pfizer vaccine will increase. Professor Woojoo Kim in South Korea said something about a blood clots, and he said that the AstraZeneca vaccine should be provided to people age over 60 first. In South Korea, the first group to be inoculated will be the medical team. Then, people who are 12 to 15 years old can be inoculated as early a the second half of this year. Many people are worried about the COVID-19 vaccine. Meanwhile, the president of South Korea, Jaein Moon, showed his inoculation through an image. However, people speculate that he received a different vaccine.

We do not know when the COVID-19 virus will end. Many people are infected by COVID-19. So, we should follow the quarantine rules and control the outdoor activities.

By Daeun Na


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