Who is Jung Eun-kyeong?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 14:42:54

Jung Eun-kyeong is the first woman general manager of the

▲ 김선환, 정은경 ˝수도권 지역감염 위험 매우 높아…3단계는 계속 검토중˝ (2020.12.26)

Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention. She is working on disease-related situations to prevent and stop them from harming the citizens. with her quick response and quick report about COVID-19, she is strengthening K-Quarantine to protect citizens from COVID-19. Now, she is called as "National Hero" of South Korea.

Jung Eun-kyeong has been working for 25 years only in the Disease Management field. In 1989, she worked at Gyeong-gi Public Health Center. In 1995, she joined the National Institute of Health. In 2015, the MERS pandemic happened, and she became the center director of the Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention. She took over all of the responsibilities of MERS as the center director. Finally, in 2017, she became the first woman general manager of the Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Also, right now, she is the leader of the national control tower. She went through all the stops to become a general manager. Recently, on April 1st, in the Blue House, she has been recommended as the Minister of Health and Welfare of Korea.

▲ 주윤지, 중국·독일·미국에서 `신종 코로나` 감염 경로는? (2020.02.03)

After the outbreak of COVID-19, Jung Eun-kyeong has been standing up to the podium every day to explain the situations and declare the support and trust of citizens. Bae Sam-Jin, a reporter of Yonhap News Agency, asked a question about Jung Eun-kyeong's health condition, and she answered that she sleeps more than an hour. It became an issue as she mentioned that her short hair is for her to shorten her time to wash. Then, she added that the staff members of the quarantine countermeasure headquarters are feeling some pressure, but they endure well and are doing well. People's reactions toward the report showed how she is already being supported by lots of people.

Since the time when the pandemic started, Jung Eun-kyeong has been doing her best to minimize the harm. She is researching and making regression analyses. At the same time, she is also looking after infectious diseases other than COVID-19. As she is working on all of these works, she is also monitoring other people's work.

"National Hero" Jung Eun-kyeong is still working and thinking about how to minimize the stoke of the pandemic. We should help her by participating in pandemic prevention policy and listening to her words to prevent and help the K-Quarantine.

By Seohyeon Choi


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