One of the Special Events in My School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 14:35:08

A year ago, COVID-19 started to spread in South Korea. So, my school started to hold an event that helps to prevent the spread of the virus. This event is called Prevention of Epidemic's Day. It is an event that can help to prevent the spread of the virus and be safer. Through this event, students in the school feel more secure and think about the severity of COVID-19. Also, it can reduce the risk of getting infected.

Seoyeon and June Yang, two of the students in my school, showed that due to the outgoing COVId-19 epidemic in South Korea, there are many major changes that were made to the typical ceremony routine like social distancing ideals. The Prevention of Epidemic's Day is run by all students and teachers. All students should participate in the event. On the Prevention of Epidemic's Day, students put disinfectant on their chairs and desk, and they replace it every Wednesday. This disinfectant is provided by the school. It is possible that students can add more of it. Also, students can watch videos and listen to an announcement about COVID-19. An announcement starts before classes start and after all classes are finished. Teachers take photographs that show students participating in the event. The photographs are then uploaded to the school's homepage. Through this activity, all people in the school are safe. One of the students who 

participated in the Prevention of Epidemic's Day said that he felt safe.

▲ to prevent COVID-19

However, there is a problem. Many students participate in this activity, but some students do not participate in this event. In the beginning, teachers cheer for those students who do not want to participate, but they still reject the event. Therefore, if students do not participate in the event, only a few students will do. After the number of infected people increased, this event started. It was first held last June 24, 2020. Also, the Prevention of Epidemic's Day started at Joongang Middle School in Ulsan. The event helps to prevent the spread of the virus, so students' parents are satisfied with this event. Therefore, it will continue until COVID-19 ends.

▲ to prevent COVID-19

By Da Young Na


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