Efforts of Korean Local Governments for Net-Zero대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
Efforts of Korean Local Governments for Net-Zero - Along with the national efforts, local governments are also starting the change. - Here are two examples-Gangdong-gu, Seoul and Gwangmyeong city, Gyeonggi-do.
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 18:02:12
As environmental problems become more serious, countries are starting to have a full-fledged policy of Net-Zero. Local governments are also seeking policies and announcing carbon-neutral roadmaps in Korea. This article handles two examples, which are Gangdong-gu and Gwangmyeong city.

The first example is Gangdong-gu, Seoul. It has set the direction of the regional energy plan through a sketch process with residents to reflect the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions as a major task. First of all, energy policy direction surveys and deliberative online discussions were conducted. As a result, reflecting the characteristics of Gangdong-gu, It set the goal of a 54% reduction in final energy consumption, 80% reduction in greenhouse gas output, 40% production of renewable energy, and 64% of electricity independence rate.

Gangdong-gu also established a legal and institutional framework for effectively implementing energy plans. To promote the project, the government enacted the Fund Management Ordinance and the Environmentally Friendly Automobile Use Promotion Ordinance. It also established private governance, including the Energy Committee and the Climate Change Response Committee. For instance, 119 solar panels were installed on the outer wall of Gangdong-gu Office, and the Dunchon Library, which opened last year, was also constructed as a rooftop solar installation and zero energy building. In addition, it operates one fuel cell power plant and plans to build three additional fuel cell power plants in the future, to produce 40 percent of the annual electricity consumption in Gangdong-gu.

▲ Dunchon Library with rooftop solar installation

Meanwhile, Gwangmyeong City emphasizes the role of citizens in establishing its climate and energy governance. Based on the establishment of the Energy Citizens Forum and the Framework Plan for Energy, it is creating a public-private partnership and climate energy governance. Representatively, the government is focusing its efforts on civic education platforms with citizens to cope with the climate crisis. Gwangmyeong City opened the Climate Energy Center, the first intermediate support organization and civic education platform in the metropolitan area, in May 2020.

▲ Climate Energy Center is leading various energy projects in Gwangmyeong City.

As part of the climate and energy movement, the Center for Climate and Energy has turned Net-Zero Energy Cafe into a regional hub in each neighborhood. A total of 17 Net-Zero cafes are operated in three to four locations in Gwangmyeong City and are used as a channel for daily participation in recycling campaigns and flea markets in small libraries or book cafes.

▲ Business Agreement Ceremony of Net-Zero Energy Cafe

May 29th, 2021

by Shin Seungwon


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