People in South Korea Got Worried About the Side Effects of Coronavirus Vaccines대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:53:13

Recently, some people in South Korea were already vaccinated, and a few people suffered from the side effects. There are side effects such as facial paralysis, vision damage, blindness, brain damage, and even death. So, people in South Korea are worried about being vaccinated because of these problems. People who made the vaccines should solve these problems so that the number of side effects from these vaccines would be minimized.

▲ The picture of the Coronavirus vaccines

On February 26, South Korea received a single vaccination, and now, a total of 3.73 million people are already vaccinated. However, some people are suffering from the side effects. They suffering from rashes, vision damage, brain damage, indigestion, facial paralysis, blindness, and even death. From a report, people in South Korea died from the side effects of the coronavirus vaccine. So, people are worried about being vaccinated as having vaccines becomes a big issue in society. They feel uncomfortable with the vaccine that instead to protect the health of the people, it may cause harm to them.

▲ Facial paralysis which is one of the side effects.

According to the statistics by Cigna, more than six out of ten South Koreans feel unsafe taking the coronavirus vaccines. Sixty-four percent out of 1631 people surveyed in South Korea answered that they were worried about the side effects. In Daejeon, one person who was vaccinated died, and another person suffered from unconsciousness. Anxiety is growing as more people suffer from the side effects of a growing number of vaccinated people. According to other statistics, 54 percent of the survey respondents expressed concerns about being vaccinated before others. Also, 40 percent of people in South Korea did not know much about the coronavirus vaccines.

As people in South Korea got worried about the vaccines, researchers should solve the side effects so that the number of side effects from coronavirus will not increase.

By Um Ki Yoon


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