The Roles of Software Developer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:28:23

Nowadays, we have achieved many technological advances and are still developing technology. As a result, we are living in technological countries. For example, robots computers, and many technological innovations. As you can see there are many things that are closely related to our life. Also, it is certain that a software developer is a key field of a promising job in this era.

A software developer is basically a person who does programming and develops software as it is named. So, a software developer is often called a programmer or a software engineer. This career, software developer, will be one of the most important jobs that will exist in the future. It is expected that the number of people who will have the job of a software developer is going to increase about 22 percent between 2019 to 2029, This shows that software development is a career that will continue to grow and progress in the future. When most of software developers are asked about what computer software is they say that it is a package which includes a software program and a user guide on how to use it.

There are a lot of roles that a software developer should do. For instance, they first do test runs before they fix the problems, Second, they maintain system checks when the program is running. Third, they write program codes for their references and reporting. Not only these, but there are also much more roles. As it is shown, a software developer needs much ability to complete all the tasks. To be a software developer, we should have complete knowledge about software because it is too difficult. In addition, we should experience and have knowledge of the specific skills which is the most important. To add on, there are many programming tools and languages that are being used. So, it is important to learn how to use them.

▲ Level of programming languages.

In conclusion, a software programmer is a career that is valuable and important for our future. Also, it is a job that needs many advances, there may be an obstacle that will prevent us from becoming a software developer. However even though it is a hard career, I believe that if we have a passion for software development, we can be software developers.


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