A conflict between Israel and Palestine대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:15:39

In Korean Peninsula, there are two nations, North Korea and South Korea. Both nations have consisted of the same race, Korea. We have divided since 1945, the end of World war II. This division caused an endless conflict between Korea and Korea. However, a similar problem exists in the Middle East, a conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Nowadays, the Israel-Palestine conflict gets attention. Since May 7th, armed disputes between two countries have occurred. To celebrate Ramadan, Palestine people visited Al-Aksa Mosque. After worship, they started to demonstrate Palestine's right and Israel police suppressed it violently. It resulted in making some injured people. Palestine's extremist group Hamas fired rockets at Israel for revenge, and Israel also fired a rocket at Palestine. Moreover, the Israeli army bombarded Palestine and put on shore the military at Palestine.

▲ Israel`s Iron Dome is shooting down a Hamas-launched rocket from Palestine.

Israel-Palestine conflict is based on two main incidents. First, the Diaspora is one reason for it. B.C.

▲ Jewish immigration, Diaspora, depicted in the documentary.

15th century, Jews settled in the Palestine region. However, they were ruled by Rome in B.C. 1st century, and Rome made Jews disperse throughout the world. This great immigrant is Diaspora. After it, during A.D. 673, World War I, Osman Turks(Arab) rule this region. So, Palestine has become important to both a Jewish home and an Arab settlement. Second, two different treaties of Britain is the other reason. During World War I, Britain took two treaties, The Balfour Declaration and the McMahon Agreement, with Jews and Arab about the Palestine region. Through Belfour Declaration, Britain declared that they support the construction of a Jewish state to get financial support from Jews. However, earlier, Britain had a McMahon agreement with Arabs which means they support Arab country's construction. These two opposite treaties cause the conflict of the day.

Today, including the Israel-Palestine conflict, some conflicts between two countries occurred in the world. Nevertheless, we are the only countries that same race divided into different countries. It is very shameful. As you can see from Israel-Palestine, a conflict just cause pain. It may not be as a reunification, North and South Korea must have a talk and solve the conflict peacefully. I believe that peace will come in Korean Peninsula soon.

May 22th, 2021

by Ju Yup Je


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