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기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-13 16:42:22

▲ As you can see, the iris scanner uses the image to detect the iris and the eyelid which is provided in the picture. The standards for this process can be easily tricked, as the iris of the person is the same as the picture.

 On May 23rd, German hackers in the computer club "Chaos Computer Club" or CCCAs you can see, the iris scanner uses the image to detect the iris and the eyelid which is provided in the picture. The standards for this process can be easily tricked, as the iris of the person is the same as the picture.  tricked the Samsung S8's iris scanner using a photo of an eye and placed a contact lens on top of it to give it the realistic features of an eye. As biometric security is becoming popular, more and more people are using fingerprints, face recognition, iris scanning and many other ways to protect their data. However, CCCs spokesman, Dirk Engling that the security risk to the user from iris recognition is even bigger than with fingerprints, as we expose irises a lot. It means the more technology develops; electronic devices are becoming weaker and easier to hack.

 People believed that iris scanning security was the best of them all. However, in just a week of Samsung S8's release, it got hacked. Hackers used the night mode of a digital camera to take a photo of a person from a medium diWith the lens on the picture, you can see a light reflection on the iris just as it would be in real life. This is why they put the contact lens on the printed infrared image. stance, and then they printed out a life size infrared image of the eye.  Then, they placed a contact lens on the eye to give it the realistic aspects of an eye. After, they put the phone to the eye, and it opened. In the video, the hackers used a photo of the owner's iris to hack into the phone, which shows that the standard of the iris scanner is low.

 Even though technology develops, there are any flaws in the security. No matter how impossible we believe it to be, technology is always becoming hacked. Every person has a unique set of irises that remain fixed from 18 months old. The possibility of two people having the same iris pattern is one in a billion says Samsung. 

▲ With the lens on the picture, you can see a light reflection on the iris just as it would be in real life. This is why they put the contact lens on the printed infrared image.

 However, the hackers did not hack it to make it think it has the same iris, but rather, they used the same iris to hack into it. Dirk Engling added that if you value the data on your phone and possibly want to even use it for payment, using the traditional PIN-protection, is a safer approach than using body features for authentication. It is clear that the iris scanner is not secure to use for our phone's security. For precise information and steps, I recommend you to watch the process of the hack buy the hackers using the link,


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