Stalking Is Punishable by Law, and It was Enforced last October대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:04:43

The law for the punishment for stalking was approved by the South Korean congress on April 24th. Punishment for stalking has been an issue since the 15th congress. Six months later after the government announced the law officially, which is last October, the law was enforced in South Korea.

▲ stalking punishment law

Before the law was enforced, stalking could only be punished for 100$ or getting detention and mulct. However, after the law was enforced, stalking can be punished for 30000$ or penal servitude for three years maximum. Also, if a person stalks with a weapon, then he can be punished for 50000$ or penal servitude for five years maximum.

▲ increasing cases of stalking

In the law, stalking is defined as giving other people fear by following them for no reason. Specifically, it is done by following them while interrupting their way, waiting or watching them near to their house, and threatening them with phone calls. However, the problem is, the criminal cannot be punished if the victim will not file a case. This is because the law called 'the dissenting opinion not to punish the crime' is included in this law. So, if the stalking criminal threatens the victim not to file a case, it is possible for the criminal not to be punished. This can lead to more crimes by threatening the victims.

▲ stalking facts

Recently, the cases of stalking have increased rapidly for not only celebrities or politicians but also normal citizens. Many professionals say that the law for punishment for stalking will be very helpful to stop the increase of stalking crime, however, they say that the criminals cannot be punished when the victims do not file a case against them.


by Jeon Seung Hyun


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