The Academy Award for Best Actress for Youn Yuh-jung대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:03:08

Can you remember the moment when movie director, Bong Jun-ho, got a prize in the Academy Awards last year? He got a prize as the best movie director in the Academy Awards, and his movie, "Parasite", got a lot of love. This year, the actress, Youn Yuh-jung, who acted in "Minari", received the Academy Award for Best Actress. She raised the nation's status, and she was so proud to promote South Korea in other countries.

Youn Yuh-jung's acting career is so fantastic and long. As of 2021, she has been for acting 56 years. Her first debut film is "Hwanyu", and it will be re-released because of "Minari". After that, she took a lot of movies, dramas and the variety show, "Youn Restaurant". Recently, in the movie, "Minari", she acted the role of "Soon-ja", who is a unique and strange grandmother. Many people said that we always see our grandmother as the one who does housework and is always kind and warm. However, "Soon-ja" was different, so many people became more interested in this movie.

▲ Actors in the movie ˝Minari˝ took pictures.

When Youn Yuh-jung got the prize in the Academy Awards, she said something, and it also became popular. She said that she worked hard not to cause harm to the production staff, so she has been practicing acting really hard for 56 years. She believes that the reason why she got the prize is not her talent but luck. She said that she got this prize because she is lucky. This award acceptance speech inspired many Korean celebrities. A comedian, Jang Do-yeon, mentioned Youn Yuh-jung's speech at Baeksang Arts Awards.

▲ Actress ˝Youn Yuh-jung˝ got the prize in Academy Awards.

Youn Yuh-jung is recognized as a good actress that is why she received the Academy Award for Best Actress. Her acting gives people different emotions such as pleasure and sorrow. Many people all over the world are excited about her next work.

May 22nd, 2021

By Park So-yoon


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