Expectation of SSG Landers‘ Result대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-20 17:00:28

Do you like baseball? If you like baseball, are you the fan of Shinsegae Landers(SSG Landers), The baseball team of South Korea? If you are a fan of SSG Landers, you can sympathize with the article and you can understand this article easier. This year, SSG Landers scouted new players. Therefore, many baseball experts expect that SSG Landers will be ranked at least 5. Let's find out more.

▲ He is Shinsoo Choo

The first point is SSG Landers scouted new players. Last year, SSG took over the SK Wyverns. Since SK Wyverns ranked ninth last year, they were shocked, and they looked after to new scout players. Therefore, SSG Landers scouted five new players. Three are pitcher and the others are batters. Artie Michael Lewicki and Wilmer Font Gomez were scouted to reinforce the starting pitcher line-up. Then, Sangsoo Kim was scouted to reinforce the bull pen. Sangsoo Kim was scouted because he had set the best hold record, 40 holds. Then, Joohwan Choi was scouted to reinforce the infield. SSG's infield and second baseman were weaker than other teams. Therefore, SSG Landers scouted Joohwan Choi, one of the most splendid second basemen in the league. SSG's shocking move was not ended by scout of Joohwan Choi. SSG Landers scouts Shinsoo Choo, one of the best baseball players in the world). Shinsoo Choo had been MLB, Major League baseball all star. Also, he had recorded cycling hit once.

▲ He is Joohwan Choi

The second point is the returns of injured players. Last year, unluckily, SK (now SSG) had a lot of injured players, so they could not make a power move like in 2018 and 2019. However, in this year, Jaehoon Ha and Seungwon Moon returned. Jaehoon Ha, the best closing pitcher in 2019 returned, and he showed a great playing to us. Also, Seungwon Moon, one of the best Korean pitchers also returned.

The last point is splendid rookies. Jihoon Choi and Wonseok Oh were the splendid rookies. Jihoon Choi set 100 hits in his debut season as a college graduate rookie after Park Yongtaek (in 18 years). Also, he set the most rookie hits in club history. The other one is Wonseok Oh. He set his first win as defending champion.

For these three points, SSG Landers will make a wonderful synergy this year. SSG Landers' season is very much expected by many avid fans.

By Yejun Park


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