COVID-19 Vaccination대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-20 16:40:15

We have been facing COVID-19 for a year. Also, there are lots of people who are infected with this virus. However, lots of countries made some vaccines, and lots of countries started to vaccinate people. About these vaccines, there are three types of vaccines, AstraZeneca, Pfizer vaccine, and Modern vaccine.

▲ the picture of the COVID-19 vaccine

First, AstraZeneca was made by England, and Pfizer and Modern vaccine were made by their companies Korean governments allow these vaccines, and they divide people for four quarters. The first quarter has some people who work in the hospital such as doctors and nurses and elders whose age is more than seventy-five. Also, the second quarter includes the students and public employees. The third quarter includes normal citizens. In South Korea, nowadays, about 1.14 million people get the first dose of the vaccine, and they are starting to get the second one. However, there are a few vaccine supplies, so it cannot accommodate all.

▲ The person who vaccinate COVID vaccine

About their effects, there is a higher percentage of curing COVID-19. However, there are lots of side effects from these vaccines. People who get vaccines can feel high fever, chill, and some muscle pains. Even worse, people can die from these vaccines. For example, two people who were vaccinated by Astrazeneca died in South Korea. Also, there are lots of deaths in other countries. According to the experts about the vaccines, when shaving some side effects like fever or muscle pains, you should take a fever reducer like Tylenol and go to the hospital.

Today, lots of people still have some concerns and fear, so they can have some misunderstanding about these vaccines' effects. However, as soon as the researchers prevent negative effects, it can be solved. Then, we can get vaccines without any concerns, and we can win against this virus.

By Dohyun Lee


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