An Influential Figure in South Korea, Jun Ji-hyun 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-14 14:25:28

Jun Ji-hyun is one of the most famous actresses who are influential in South Korea. She started her career as a model in 1997 and debuted as an actress in 1999. She has many representative works and has received many awards.

▲ Jun Ji-hyun who received an award

Jun JI-hyun began as a model in a fashion journal called Ecole in 1997, and she debuted as an actress in "White Valentine" in 1999. Through "My Sassy Girl", one of her major works, she was recognized because of her acting ability and started to be famous. Her acting ability is excellent, and she can do any genre. She works not only in dramas but also in movies. There are lots of her major works such as "The Thieves", "Assassination", "My Sassy Girl", "The Legend of the Blue Sea", "My Love from the Stars" and many more. Also, she received many awards. She received the grand prize at the SBS Drama Awards in 2014 and the SAF acting prize best couple in 2016. Due to her popularity, she was selected as an honorary ambassador of Korean Tourism in 2014.

▲ Jun Ji-hyun who advertises cosmetics

Jun Ji-hyun's influences are amazing in advertising. Especially, her popularity is great to women between twenties and thirties. They buy the cosmetics she uses like Hera and clothes she wore in her dramas. In an interview with advertisers who have worked with her, they said that 17.7 percent of sales had risen after she advertised their product, CJ healthier ham. Jun Ji-hyun is one of the top stars when it comes to advertising.

There are a lot of good influences of the actress, Jun Ji-hyun. In 2020, she participated in a good lessor campaign. She decreases ten percent of the rent for two months. Her lessor campaign gave other lessors a motive. Jun Ji-hyun did campaigns as well as donations. In 2014, she donated 100 million won for Sewol Ferry victims. In addition, she donated 100 million won for COVID-19 under her real name, Wang JI-hyun. Her donation was very helpful.

Now, she is resting with her family. Despite her period of inactivity, she is still considered one of the best actresses in South Korea.

By Jeong Ji-in


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