An Exciting Mugeo Middle School Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-14 14:22:24

A retreat is an event that has the purpose of uniting students' minds. Mugeo Middle School went on a retreat in May 2021 at Cheonghak- dong Seedong Youth Training Center for two days. Mugeo Middle School has scheduled to go on a retreat this year too. To gather opinions regarding this event, an interview with the students who went on a retreat in 2019.

Based on the interview with the female students in Mugeo Middle School, they were asked three questions. For the first question, they were asked what they did on the retreat. They said that they made rice cake, memorized Chinese characters, had a quiz, and had a talent show. They felt excited because they themselves made the rice cake that they always eat as a snack. Also, the talent show was enjoyable and interesting. For the second question, they were asked about the most impressive and memorable thing in the retreat. They said that the ghost incident is the most memorable thing among many other things. It was the time when a student wanted to go to the restroom at midnight. When she went to the restroom, she heard her brother's voice. She felt scared since her brother did not come to the retreat with her. They said this is the most impressive and memorable thing.

▲ Mugeo Middle School students memorized Chinese characters. They said that memorizing Chinese characters was hard and boring.

For the third question, the students were asked about the hardship they faced, and they said that while they memorized Chinese characters, they felt bored. Moreover, there were so many insects such as flies, bees, and other small insects. Also, the students felt unsatisfied last year as they did not go to an exciting retreat due to COVID -19. By spreading coronavirus, all Mugeo retreats were canceled. However, this year, Mugeo Middle School has a plan to go on a retreat in May with prevention rules. They promised that they would have disinfection and masks. They also promised that they would consider the spreading or COVID-19 while planning the retreat schedule.

▲ Because of spreading COVID-19, Mugeo Middle School Students did not go to the retreat last year.

The female students said if they had a chance to go there again, they would go on the retreat. They as well as other Mugeo Middle School students are looking forward to going there in May. They themselves hoped that the retreat would not be canceled, and it would be held there again.

By Jang Yunha


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