A New Educational System in High School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-14 14:17:42

In 2025, a big change will happen in high schools. The high school credit system, a new education system that helps students to get closer to their interests, will be introduced to all high schools in 2025.

With the high school credit system, students choose the subjects to enroll in based on their career and aptitude, then they will graduate with their accumulated score. If the accumulated score is higher than 192, students can graduate. Compared to the usual grading system, students can graduate with a two-thirds score. Then, in the first grade, the students learn the common lesson with the central figure, and in the second grade, they start self-directed studying. From 2020 to 2024, it is introduced in a few schools. After that, in 2025, all high school students will learn with this new credit system. Moreover, it will be an absolute test in second and third grades, so students will have fewer concerns about a test.

▲ This table shows the plans of each year.

The main purpose of this system is to help students get more familiar with the jobs they want to have in the future. Also, students can study based on their interests without any competition. Then, they can also participate well in the class and study hard because it is their interest. They can also get information about their abilities and interests during the class. However, it could not be always good for everyone. Because it is a self-directed system, some students who do not have yet a clear interest or abilities as to what they want to be in the future will have trouble when they have to choose the classes.

The students who already experienced this credit system said that all students could participate and join the class well. Also, they said that it gives more choices to students, so their level of satisfaction was high. However, they also said that we need to know that a teacher's task is so much, and some schools do not have enough budget.


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