Give \"Right to Die\" to Us대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-13 16:29:49


▲ Omid (pictured) has difficulty speaking and has claimed that `even animals` have a better life than he does

 SwisSwiss Dignitas Hospital is hospital which provides enthunasia to patients around the world and two third of it's patients are foreigners s Dignitas Hospital has stated that 18 Korean people requested to have euthanasia from 2012 until 2016, which shows the highest rate in Asia by an interview with a Korean news publishing company, Huffington Post. The hospital is the world only hospital which allows euthanasia to patients around the world who desperately wish to die. Dignitas stated that 7764 people among 96 countries have asked for euthanasia. The country with the highest number of applicants is Germany with 3223 applicants, and France, Swiss, Italy are the next. South Korea showed the highest number of applicants in Asia. Many patients around the world claimed for their right to die and only six countries are allowing euthanasia currently.

▲ Swiss Dignitas Hospital is hospital which provides enthunasia to patients around the world and two third of it`s patients are foreigners

 Kwon has injected a lot of tranquilizers to her food hose and euthanized her.  Many Koreans also want their right to die, and the bill of passive euthanasia, also well-known as "Well Dying Bill", has passed the court and will be enforced in 2018. However, many Koreans are still suffering by their fatal diseases and desperately wish to die with dignity. An elder man, who resides in Seoul Seongbook-gu, killed his wife who was vegetative state for years after she fainted after a stroke. The elder man, Kwon(83), took care of his wife, Yu(81), alone for years. Later, when he was diagnosed that he has a prostate cancer and cerebral hemorrhage and have to undergo a surgery, he became worried about the future of his wife when he dies and ultimately decided to help her by ending her life without suffering. Last year, on December 3rd, the man injected a lot of tranquilizers to his wife and tried to kill himself. Luckily, the man saved his life by a medical cure, and he confessed his murder to the police. The man committed suicide at this year, on February 28th, and this story is still in a middle of debate of considering this circumstance as a murder or a help for a death with dignity.

Omid (pictured) has difficulty speaking and has claimed that 'even animals' have a better life than he does 

 While many people hope to die with dignity, the world is still debating about it. This year, Iran man has desperately complained that his life is not even better than an animal to British court, waiting a law for him. However, many countries, including South Korea, still agonize about the concept of assisted suicide, which is currently considered illegal, should be consider as a murder or a right to die. The hospital “Dignitas” says that “Every human has their autonomy to choose their life and decide their life. Self-autonomy should also provide an opportunity to choose a death with dignity. However, many countries even forbid to mention about the right to choose death, and this is clearly violating one’s human right.“

 Since euthanasia is a morally sensitive subject which deals with human's life, it is natural that the idea is still on the controversy. However, as more and more Koreans protest their right to die with dignity, it is clear that the idea should be handled deeply one day.

July 18th, Lee Ah-Jin


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