Children to school-Solar Cow by YOLK대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-14 14:05:07

In Africa, one in five children goes to work, not school. Already, about 160 million children worldwide are engaged in child labor. Poor parents feel pressured to let even their children work. Similarly, mobile phone penetration is 95%, while energy use accounts for about 15% of income.

To solve these problems, YOLK created the solar cow and solar milk using solar energy.

▲ cow-shaped solar generator (sources: YOLK)

If you look at the picture, you can see why the solar power generator is called Solar Cow. "Just as cows produce milk, Solar Milk, a rechargeable battery, protects children's right to get an education." CEO Jang explained. Going to school, children in Africa insert a bottle-shaped battery, Solar Milk, into the Solar Cow. Children take classes at school while charging.

Parents are now starting to send their children to school because they earn about 15% of their income from school. Solar Milk can also be used for flashlights, lamps, and radios as well as cell phones, so it protects children from dark nights and allows them to study at night.

The solar cow also has a beneficial effect on climate change. "Africa's 1.3 billion people use kerosene and areas without electricity cut down trees to light up the fire. If they light up with solar energy and get out of poverty, wouldn't it help us overcome climate change?" said CEO Jang. "Sustainability" was emphasized by Solar Cow, because it is sustainable with only initial installation costs and batteries. We can prevent climate change simply by borrowing the power of nature.

Due to the surprising changes brought by YOLK, YOLK was selected as the first Korean company to win the Green Award and P4G Summit, and also selected the TIME MAG's 100 best event 2019 and CES Innovation Award.

▲ Solar Cow by YOLK in The Times ( sources: YOLK)

CEO of YOLK Jang Sung-eun said, "What we are practicing in Africa may feel like a 'problem unrelated to me,' but the world is like an organically connected creature, so if there is a problem, people all over the world suffer together. I want you to pay a little more attention to this."

▲ Children holding Solar Milk (sources: YOLK)


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