Samshin Elementary School‘s Fancy Event 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-12 16:28:12

School Play Event sounds very familiar because many schools hold it annually. The School Play Event being hold at Samshin Elementary School is an event with various enjoyable activities. Many parents, teachers, and also principal watch all students' fancy performances.

School events have many activities that are educational and special. For instance, there is a Ritual Event, School Play Event, Health, and physical Education Event and Training Event that shows and appreciates the learning process of the results. The school Play Event does not only hold an exhibition or various competitions, but it also has its purpose of showing to the parents their children's talent and let them have an opportunity to watch their children's school life. Students usually play instruments with the whole class such as a recorder, ocarina, and harmonica. They also show their performances like a dance.

▲ School Event in Elementary School

Many students in Samshin Elementary School say that they like spending time playing instruments and showing their talent to their parents with their friends. The School Play Event is an important experience for students because they can cooperate with each other and show a great performance. Sometimes, instead of studying in class, doing a performance and spending an enjoyable time is better for students.

There are pros of holding the School Play Event. It gives a chance for parents to see their children's school life, and for students to have meaningful time in practicing and to have much better skills. However, it could have disadvantages as well. Students who are not prepared before or students who do not practice well can be embarrassed in front of many audiences and participants.

The School Play Event in Samshin Elementary School can give great experiences to some students, but it can also give disadvantages because practicing needs a long time. Some say that the School Play Event is not needed, but many students think it is an important part of their school life.

by Jiyoon Jung


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