A Great Career, Diplomat대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-12 16:24:38

Nowadays, there are many economic issues between countries, but do you know who solves these issues? It is a diplomat. A diplomat is an official whose job is to represent one country in another and who usually works in an embassy. In short, it means it is a career that requires someone to go to another country and work for our people in that country. What does the diplomat do, and how can we be a diplomat?

▲ Diplomat

First of all, what job does a diplomat do? The most important job of them is to represent our country to another country. Diplomats go to another country by representing the people of their country. Also, they do a diplomatic negotiation. For example, Oegyujanggak Uigwe is a book about Korea's royal events. However, France had taken that book long years ago. But, the Korean diplomats had a diplomatic negotiation with France, and South Korea got it back. Lastly, diplomats protect and help the people who live in another host country.

▲ The Oegyujanggak Uigwe

How can we be a diplomat? First, we should have a major in English and one more foreign language, international law, Korean law, and the history of Korea. And, it is good to go to a foreign language high school or another country's school. Moreover, there are many tests needed to be taken such as international politics and ecology. According to a diplomat named Jeon Chan Ho, it is good to study more about a second foreign language to be a diplomat.

There are a lot of benefits and advantages when we become a diplomat. First, we can have a diplomatic passport of a diplomat. When we have this, we can be treated like the V.I.P. which stands for Very Important Person in the airport. Second, there is much extra pay. Plus, there is the official residence and more. The best thing is there is no tax when we buy something.

To add, if we want to be a diplomat, we should have the patriotism of our country. We should volunteer a lot. According to the research, because of the trade of countries, diplomat that represents our country and protects the people living in another country's importance will increase, too.

By Siyun Baek


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