Daihyun Middle School‘s Education Trip대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-12 16:22:45

Most Korean students have experienced educational trips. We go on an educational trip, and we make good memories that they will not forget forever.

The educational trip that is being done at Daihyun Middle School is different from that of other schools. The special part of the trip is that there are many things to experience such as recreation and talent show. It can develop the student's talent and characteristics. Moreover, the school gives students many chances to decide what to do on the trip.

▲ The picture which students do recreation at school

Based on an interview with second-grade students in Daihyun Middle School, they like to give each other a chance to decide what they want to do and to play. They also said that this program can make them gather fun memories with friends and develop many abilities such as independence, leadership, and friendship. So, they just cannot wait to go on an educational trip this year.

The pros of the educational trip's program are it gives many chances to students to have exciting memories and to develop abilities such as independence, leadership, and friendship. However, this program also has cons. This program depends on the student's abilities. So, if the students' abilities are not good, it will be boring, and it can cause many safety accidents, too. For instance, in a talent show, a student may injure his ankle ligament sprain just to show this talent to his friends over.

Although educational trips have many cons like the things mentioned above, students still think the pros they get to this trip are bigger than the cons. They think this trip is worth enduring the risks.

By Se Yeon Jung


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