School Excursion대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-12 16:16:30

Have you ever been on a school excursion? The students in the sixth grade of elementary school, third grade of middle school, and third grade of high school experience school excursions. For these grade levels' students, a school excursion is special because they get out of school, go to different areas, and spend two nights and three days with other students and teachers.

▲ High school students went to Korean traditional village.

A student who went on a school excursion said that he was able to relieve stress and make more friends by taking part in the school excursion. He learned about history, and he had exciting experiences with his friends. He added that he wanted to go on a school excursion again.

To hold this joyful event, schools have to go through complex processes. They have to rent a place where students and teachers can sleep and enjoy. Also, they have to plan how the students can learn about the history and how students can feel joyful. In addition, each school should pay for a youth field specialist. While the students learn about the history, they can also play with their friends in other places like in an amusement park. On one of the days of the school excursion, some schools offer a time for students to play at the amusement park. During the school excursion, students can relieve their stress and be close to their friends more.

▲ This is Everland amusement park the place where students go to school excursion. Everland amusement park is located in Seoul, the capital of South Korea.

Despite all the positive impacts of a school excursion, there are voices that say school excursion should be banned because they can cause troubles such as disputes with friends and too much expense. The students who are poor think that a school excursion is not interesting and happy but stressful and annoying. The conflict still remains for the school officials to discuss, but the students in the country seem to take part in a school excursion for their memories.


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