Okhyeon Cheongsoljie, Full of Many Exciting Activities대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-12 16:14:49

Have you ever experienced school festivals? Okyeon Cheonsolje is Okhyeon's school festival, and it holds each club's booth. Also, Okhyeon Cheongsolje is a traditional festival which is held every year. In Okhyeon Cheongsolje, many booths and performances wait for students. Students also prepare decorate and operate booths. There are many activities to enjoy, and many people can enjoy any booth to relieve stress.

▲ other school`s festival`s performance

In Okhyeon friend's interview, they said many clubs and classes prepare and enjoy many different exciting booths and performances in the festival. Also, they feel very great, and excited, and they are able to relieve stress. Other club members said it is hard to prepare, but they enjoy doing things, and enjoy the festival in an earnest manner. Some people said that they want to see not only the booths but also performances at the festival. Then, many people said they wait for the festival, and want to enjoy it.

It is hard to prepare for the festival considering the number of clubs and classes' booths, cost of the festival, and time to prepare. Also, before the festival, students cannot concentrate on their studies. However, it is great to relieve stress and enjoy the festival. Moreover, the festival even energizes students because most students are tried in academics. In Okhyeon Cheongsolje, all people can enjoy themselves together greatly. It is not only just to enjoy but also to show many clubs and classes' effort.

▲ other school`s booths

Okhyeon Cheongsolje is one of the important events in Okhyeon. Also, this event changes students' tension and feeling. It is hard for students to prepare the festival, but it makes them happy and excited. Also, lots of people believe it is helpful to students who are tired with many academics. Not only the students but also the teachers enjoy it together. How about you join Okhyeon Cheongsolje?


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