Will COVID-19 Disappear?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-12 16:09:38

Nowadays, all people in the world are having trouble with Corona. It has shaken all the world, so now, the world is in panic. COVID-19 first appeared in 2019 in Wuhan, China. It has spread all over the world and has infected people. In common cases, one can get infected by being exposed to someone who is infected. Its symptoms are not different from other diseases. So, many people do not know that they are infected and go out. Also, some people hide the fact they are infected. This is the reason why COVID-19 is being spread widely now.

To eradicate this virus, lots of scholars and doctors are working hard. They want to find a vaccine that can eradicate and prevent the virus. Finally, their effort was paid off. Four vaccines are now in development and in commercialization. They are AstraZeneca, Janssen, Pfizer, and mRNA. These vaccines have gone through clinical development to test their effects. In South Korea, all of these four vaccines are used by people, and people can choose one in these. Most vaccines establish an effect up to 90 percent.

Some people are worried about the vaccines' side effects. In fact, some people experienced side effects. Few people had extreme side effects such as collapsing, having a seizure, and being infected with the virus. Aside from these, there are other side effects that lead to life-threatening symptoms. The government is now working to prevent these by developing other vaccines and finding safe vaccines. This work will not be easy, but all the people in the world have to fight against COVID-19 and overcome it.

By Seo Huyn Choi


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