Drama Can Come True대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-13 16:21:59

▲ Picture of nasopharyngeal carcinoma`s position

 Picture of nasopharyngeal carcinoma's position Actor Kim Woo-bin has been diagnosed with a type of cancer like the character he played in the drama "Uncontrollably Fond". Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a disease infected bu one of 100 000 patients. Kim's agency had announced this on May 24th. It occurs in the children and adults. It differs significantly from other cancers of the head and neck in its occurrence, causes, clinical behavior, and treatment.

 Otherwise the fact that Kim is a famous actor, it is also because of his previous hit drama "Uncontrollably Fond" that this event has been made such an issue. In the drama, Kim played a top star entertainer who has been diagnosed with brainstem glioma and has his life numbered. 

▲ Actor Kim Woo-bin

Although nasopharyngeal carcinoma and brainstem glioma are two different types of diseases on media and Social Networking System, there headlines are always about this event like Kim Woo-Bin has been diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. 

This overlaps the drama, but I hope the end is different.Actor Kim Woo-bin Fans have been posting messages and comments on blogs and newsfeeds about how Kim had been diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma and the drama "Uncontrollably Fond". Thus, the drama has been once again raised to the center of attention. Kim, who had been getting ready for his next movie had stopped his entire schedule to only concentrate on his treatment.

 The agency stated that while the disease is rare, if it is discovered early, the survival rate is 70 to 90 percent. Kim is now taking radiotherapy due to the tumours position being unable to do an operation.


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