Myanmar‘s Coup in 2021대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-13 13:02:20

There is a saying, "A tree called democracy grows on blood." In Myanmar, citizens bleed for democracy against the corp of the Myanmar military. At least 510 people died and about 2,000 people were injured. Myanmar citizens strive for the country's democracy.

The cause of the new coup resulted from what happened in 1962. Myanmar has been under the military since Burma Corps in 1962. The Myanmar military dictatorship changed the legislation which is favorable to them. For example, according to Myanmar Constitution, the Myanmar military has 25% of the whole preliminary seats which can block the constitutional amendment of the Myanmar democratic government, and the president and the prime minister have no right to order the Myanmar military. Against these, Myanmar citizens made some protests such as the 8888 Uprising. However, whenever the protest, the military order military suppression. Although the power of the military has been so powerful, through continuous strives, the NLD, which is Myanmar's democratic party, achieved democracy for Myanmar, and it even succeeded to have the majority of seats.

▲ Myanmar citizens protest for the Military Coup

However, the Myanmar military rejected the election result which NLD has the majority of seats. On Feb. 1, 2021, the Myanmar military staged a coup opposing the election result. They imprisoned some major figures of NLD like Aung San Suu kyi, and they announced a national emergency for a year. Justly, the citizens of Myanmar are against this coup, so they protest, and it poses a threat to protesters.

▲ Korea had also been under the military coup.

In Korea, the government had also been under a military coup from 1961 to 1987. Also, the citizens of Korea had continued to do protests for democracy such as the April Revolution, 518 Democratic Movement, and June Democratic Uprising. However, Korea overcame a military coup and succeeded to make the economy grow and achieved whole democracy. Myanmar will also achieve whole democracy as Korea did.

April. 10, 2021

By Yejun Byun


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