Naver Webtoon Launches German Service대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-13 12:51:12

For decades ago, many read comic books only. However, these days, most people usually read webtoons instead of comic books. So, the webtoon business is getting bigger and bigger. Moreover, Naver webtoon is the largest enterprise in South Korea, of which market capitalization is 61,845 billion won. Also, Naver webtoon started German service.

▲ logo of Naver Webtoon

Naver webtoon, an online comic affiliate of the leading online search portal, started offering a German-language version of its comics on March 31, local time. Now, they are offering 10 languages including Spanish, German, French, English, Korean, and services in more than a hundred countries. In Germany, they are offering 20 webtoons, which had a great reaction to western culture. For example, "The Remarried Empress", "Omniscient Reader", "The Boxer", and "Lore Olympus". According to the interview of the head of the Naver webtoon, Naver webtoon has created a webtoon ecosystem throughout the world and served as a cross-border platform that connects content from one region to another. They will work with local creators to establish webtoon as an important axis of the cultural industry in Germany.

▲ advertisement of German Service

The challenge is very important since Germany is the biggest market in Europe and the fourth biggest market in the world which is expected to have 410 million dollars of the scale of the market in 2022. Also, success in the European market can lead to more investigation, and more investigation can lead to more high-quality cartoons serviced in Naver webtoon. Moreover, a lot of investigations can lead to more secondary creations like Sweet Home which was produced as a drama. Also, dramas such as "The Uncanny Counter" and "True Beauty" are based on webtoons of the same name. Moreover, the movie "Along with the God" is also based on the same name of the webtoon, and these movies and dramas had great success not only in Korea but also in America, China, and Japan.

Since the advantage of success is so huge, Naver webtoon is striving to succeed in this business. Also, since this can lead to the spread of Korean Culture, many people are expecting success.

April 10, 2021

by Seo Jun Woo


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