Controversy in Korean Dramas대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-13 12:43:14

When you see famous drama like "Vincenzo" and others, have you ever felt something strange or unpleasant? A lot of viewers of dramas said that there were problems related to China. Famous dramas "Vincenzo", and "Joseon Kumasa" are embroiled in controversy which is a problem of products in placement and distortion of history.

▲ This scene of Vincenzo is a product in placement in episode 8.
First, in Vincenzo, the producers made a mistake in the product placement. They made an indirect advertisement for bibimbap in episode 8. The reason for controversy in product's brand in China. Recently, China claims that some elements of Korean culture, including kimchi, originated from China. So, it is a sensitive point about Chinese and Korean culture. The Chinese brand of bibimbap was controversial. Next, Joseon Kumasa, a writer of this drama distorted history. The background of the drama is Joseon Dynasty, but they decorated like China and set Chinese food. Moreover, the model of it is a real person in Korean history, but they distorted it.

▲ A drama of Joseon Kumasa was repealed because of distortion of history.

Like these situations, the producers countermeasure it. The producers of Vincenzo removed the controversial scene from overseas streaming services, and they apologized for the views. In the drama Joseon Kumasa, they said they decided to retake all scenes, but they failed. So, they finally decided to repeal it. Jeong who is a critic of dramas said the producers of dramas have to consider the point that there is a sensitive reaction of Chinese and Korean culture and history. So, they have to pay attention not to make a controversy of it.

To sum up, there are disputes in Korean dramas about culture and distortion of history. Because of these events, a drama official may be careful of this point. Viewers hope they will not make controversial dramas next time.

By So-yoon Park


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