Korean Students’ Studying Habits대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-13 16:14:25

 Korean students studying for test I interviewed a Korean middle school student who finished a test on May 2nd. The questions were about how he studied for the test because that can show his studying habits well. Also, we can know what subjects are the most important.

Q:Your test score was very surprising, how much did you study?

A:[Laughing]I don’t think I studied a lot.

Q:When did you start studying for the test?

A:I started studying two weeks before the test.

Q:How much do you study a day?

A:I usually study for 3~4 hours.

Q:What subject do you usually study?Korean students' studying time longer than other countries 

A:I usually study math and science.

Q:What subject do you study first?

A:I study math first.

Q:What subject do you study last?

A:I study ethics last.

Q:What subject do you think is the most important?

A:I think math is the most important.

Q:Do you solve any workbooks before the test?

A:I solve only one workbook and usually use textbooks to study.

Q:What do you think about your own studying habits?

A:I think it’s not bad.

Q:What do you think about your test score?

A:[Laughing/coughing]Please don’t ask about it anymore.


 According to the interview, students usually study two weeks before the test and they usually study math. Also, according to some research, Korean students think math and English are the most important subjects and study longer than other countries.

2017.6.14   Jang Hoyeon


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