New Ways of Studying대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-31 10:43:19

New Way of Studying

The new school year has started and it’s time to devote ourselves to studying, shaking off other temptations. For that, it is very important to use good ways well-matched to you. There are various ways to do that because each person has a different way of studying. Here is an unconventional way of studying which can give you an idea to help you find your own method.

▲ Photo: 나는 공부대신 논어를 읽었다

Kim Beomjoo was not a student that most teachers want. He loved to play online games but not to study. Also, there was some distance between him and books. However, he has changed since he went on a book-reading tour. He had a new experience with books, presenting his feelings and view about books. Naturally, he determined to join the book club.

He steadily attended the book club and read books. As time passed, he realized the effects of reading books and got into books gradually. When he was pretty used to it, he began to do various projects like lecturing with PPT he made with older companions. Although it was quite a high level to a middle school student, he overcame with companions’ encouragement and compliment. In addition, a lot of brilliant people visited the book club and they became his mentors.

He didn’t finish there. He transcribed the Analects of Confucius with his father. Of course, it was very hard for him to read the difficult old book and copy it. Unsurprisingly he was reluctant to do it at first and made all the excuses not to do it. Then one day, his father gave him advice that no matter how small the amount was, it was important to do steadily. He continued it from then on. Even after he went to America to study, he kept doing this. A few years from the beginning of transcribing, almost all books he had read became very easy for him. For transcribing was like running with a sandbag. When he took the sandbag off, he became a person who could do what he decided to do. He was finally enrolled at the University of Toronto.

The power of a book is so brilliant that it could transmute a person entirely. There is a life of a person in the book. Of course, it is good to solve workbooks, memorize English words, and so on, but why don’t you make a habit to read books and write a book report? It could permeate your life and give you a new experience.

Kim Beomjoo wrote his story in the book published last year. If you want to know Kim Bumjoo’s story more, you can find the whole story in his book, [I Read The Analects of Confucius instead of Studying(나는 공부대신 논어를 읽었다)].


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