What Is a Doctor?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-30 10:07:32

Many people believe that a doctor is a great person and is an awesome job because of the medical dramas that we watch nowadays. Also, doctor, known to be many people, is the job that treats people with surgery. Also, some doctors do medical study constantly and do some medical education lectures for residents and students. In the hospital news, the students who are in the Catholic University of Korea said, they believe that to be a doctor, they should have not only to feel sympathy but also understand through various points of view.

In the interview with the doctor, Yang Gwang Mo, he said that he was interested in a novel related to medicine and biology. Moreover, he tried to study scientific thinking, logical thinking, and way of sensible thinking. Also, leadership is required, and he tries to have many social experiences and reads a lot of books. Someday, you will become a sponsor of the festivals because, in the hospital, the doctor is required leadership so much.

The qualifications to become a doctor is having a great score on College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), and school score. Also, students have to graduate postgraduate course that is a doctor's degree. Also, passing the national examination of medical practitioners that included a written test and practical examination test is required. Lastly, they have to decide the field of the medical. For example, they can decide on cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics, plastic surgery, and internal medicine.

To be a doctor, many qualifications are required such as many great scores, some personality specialists like leadership, scientific thinking, logical thinking. Through this information, we can realize that doctor is not only an awesome job but also a hard and one of the difficult jobs.

By Hyo Jin Chang


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